Tuition Assistance Procedures

Far Brook uses Clarity Tuition to analyze a family’s financial information and evaluate each family’s specific need.  Clarity is widely used by independent schools to provide an objective assessment of a family’s ability to pay tuition.

A number of factors contribute to a family’s ability to pay tuition including:  income, assets, general living and medical expenses, number of dependents, number of children in tuition charging schools, and age of parents. Each case is evaluated individually and families in the same income range may have different overall financial circumstances and therefore receive different tuition assistance awards.

Eligible families on the Tuition Assistance Waitlist will be notified if additional funds become available.

If you are applying for tuition assistance after the January 26, 2024 deadline, please reach out to Emi Ithen.

1. Create an account through Clarity Tuition

Go to Clarity Tuition ( to create your account. Once your account is established, enter your household and applicant information and select the school(s) to which you are applying.

2. Complete Form 4506c form through Clarity by January 6, 2024

Submit your 4506c form by January 6, 2024 to give Clarity permission to pull your prior year tax returns.  This means you won’t need to upload any of them yourself! After January 6, you will need to upload your tax documents to Clarity manually.

3. Submit additional financial information and supporting documents

Complete your application by submitting financial information, including income, expenses, assets, and debts. You will be asked to  upload your two most-recent pay stubs and W-2 forms. Clarity will notify you if any additional documents are required.

4. Application deadline: January 26, 2024

Please ensure that all the information and required documents have been submitted by January 26, 2024 in order to be considered in our first round of tuition assistance decisions. Accepted students are notified of their tuition assistance package at the time of their acceptance. 

If you are applying for tuition assistance after the January 26, 2024 deadline, please reach out to Emi Ithen.

5. After enrollment

Send your most recent completed, signed tax forms, including schedules to Far Brook by May 1, 2024. Failure to do so will result in the loss of your tuition assistance award.

Emi Ithen

Emi Ithen

Director of Enrollment Management

Kathy Ike

Kathy Ike

Admissions Assistant