Widening the Lens 2023 Details

Welcome participants!

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Password: !fbsguest


Campus Map and Locations


8:30 AM Registration

~Segal Family Library~

8:30 – 9:00 AM Breakfast

~Music & Arts Lobby~

9:00 – 10:30 AM Conference Open

~Upper School Music~


Keynote Address and Q&A


10:30 AM – 12:00 PM  Facilitated Discussions by Constituent Group

~Constituent Locations~

12:00 PM Lunch and Fellowship

~Moore Hall and the Gym~

    1:00 PM Student Reflections

    ~Upper School Music~

    2:15 PM  School Pods Meet for Dialogue and Action Planning

    ~School Locations~

    3:45 PM  Wine and Cheese Reception

    ~Segal Family Libary~


    With deepest gratitude for our partnership, we thank:

    ConnectOne Bank and Capital Group for your generous support of the conference.

    Addison Taylor Catering, an affiliate of David Ellis Events, for providing lunch for our attendees,

    Pollyanna, Inc. for creating the unique conference format and for continued guidance.



    Corinne Amato

    Sarah Anfora

    Wendy Bassin

    Dorothy Chang

    Rachel Cohen

    Nicole Engelke

    Meredith Fisher

    Eileen Gefell

    Mike Goldfarb

    Regina Henry

    Kathy Ike

    Emi Ithen

    Sapna Lalla

    Marisa Lambert

    Megan Martin

    Shannon O’Connor

    Rob Olazagasti

    Jiawen Pi

    Katie Pogue

    Rebecca Randall

    Dana Rhule

    Rebecca Ross

    Nina Sze

    Ali Ullrich

    Erasmia Voukelatos

    Debbie Wissel

    Renee Wolfe



    Arielle Anema

    Sarah Anfora

    Jennifer Barba

    Joan Burr

    Suzanne Glatt

    Megan Gottlieb

    Kathy Ike

    Emi Ithen

    Alisha Martinez

    Mikki Murphy

    Peter Ncanywa

    Sofia Tomé
