Tuition Assistance Procedures
Far Brook uses Clarity Tuition to analyze a family’s financial information and evaluate each family’s specific need.
Clarity is widely used by independent schools to provide an objective assessment of a family’s ability to pay tuition. A number of factors contribute to a family’s ability to pay tuition including: income, assets, general living and medical expenses, number of dependents, number of children in tuition charging schools, and age of parents. Each case is evaluated individually and families in the same income range may have different overall financial circumstances and therefore receive different tuition assistance awards. If you are applying for tuition assistance after the January 17, 2025 deadline, please reach out to Emi Ithen.
- 1. Create an account through Clarity Tuition
- 2. Complete the Enhanced Tax Verification Process
- 3. Submit additional financial information and supporting documents
- 4. Application deadline: January 17, 2025
- 5. After enrollment