Paula Levin, Director of Lower School, Retires

Paula Levin, beloved longtime Director of the Lower School, retired after an amazing 46 years at Far Brook, as a teacher, administrator, and a parent. As Paula said in 2005, “Some people spend their whole life finding the perfect job. I have had a very lucky life...

Summer At Far Brook Camp

The School’s first comprehensive 9-week summer camp program, Summer at Far Brook, was created and launched in 2022 and surpassed all enrollment and income projections.

Major Facilities Enhancements Throughout Campus

Begun in 2017, Far Brook undertook major renovations of the Junior High, Lower School, and Middle School buildings, and enhanced security measures, replaced roofs, planted new trees, moved and enlarged the sandbox, installed new hvac/air filtration systems, continued...

COVID, Remote Learning, and Reopening

Far Brook’s swift and comprehensive response to the unprecented COVID-19 pandemic, allowed the school to pivot quickly and function well in a challenging, remote-learning environment during the Spring of 2020. More important, the school was able to reopen fully...

Committing to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

In 2016, Mikki Murphy became the School’s first Director of Diversity, Equity, and Community. This new leadership position was created to expand DEIB initiatives in the classroom and within our current family and extended community, furthering our commitment to...