Far Brook Ski Club

We’re looking forward to a great ski season at Shawnee Mountain!

Registration opens October 26! Here are the details:

  • Ski Club 2024 is open to Far Brook students in Grades 7-8.
  • Trips to Shawnee Mountain are planned for the following Fridays in 2024: January 19, 26, and February 2, 9, with March 1 as a makeup date for weather-related cancellations.
  • The bus will leave Far Brook directly after school and will return around 10:30 pm.
  • Ski Club membership of $235, covers transportation and supervision, but not lift tickets, equipment rental, or lessons. Once you complete registration in CampBrain, you will receive a link to purchase lift tickets, equipment rental, and lessons through the Shawnee Mountain’s registration page.
  • Lessons must be taken by skiers/snowboarders with fewer than 2 years experience.
  • When you choose your packages, you will also be able to select an optional add-on for meals.
  • See the basic packages here: Shawnee 2023-24 Rate Sheet. Note: there is a discount if you register before December 1, 2023. Shawnee’s registration window will close on December 15, 2023 and no new registrations will be accepted after that date. 

Please complete the Far Brook Ski Club registration, including all forms and payments, as soon as possible after registration opens on October 26.

Questions?  Please contact after.school.program@farbrook.org